Patreon 11: The Golden Girls - “Sick and Tired” (aka “Dorothy Is Dismissed by Her Doctors”) (1989)

Grab your caftan and settle into some wicker over on Patreon! My pal and confidant Jessica Ashley joins me to talk all about getting older, getting wiser, and getting golden in Season 5, Episodes 1 & 2 of The Golden Girls titled “Sick and Tired - parts 1 and 2” (aka “Dorothy Is Dismissed by Her Doctors”).

From the seriousness of gender bias in healthcare, our own experiences as patients searching for answers, and Dorothy Zbornak as the premiere feminist of 1989 ...

... to the silliness of "Golden Girls-ing it out" in our golden years, making friends with podiatrists, and our favorite Golden ladies being way too young to be so old, we get candid about aging, dating, second acts, and the undeniable power of female friendship.


Patreon 12: Happy Days - “Hollywood: Parts 1-3” (aka “Fonzie Literally Jumps the Shark!”) (1977)


Patreon 10: Full House - “Shape Up” (aka “OMG, D.J. Might Have an Eating Disorder!”) (1990)